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            WelcomeDongguan Boxing Machinery Co., Ltd!
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            Introduce the operation method of the slitter

            Published:2022-09-28 16:19:45  Views:350

            Introduce the operation method of the slitting machine 1. Start the machine 1. Turn on the electrical isolation switch (set in front of the electrical control cabinet), press the EMERGENCY STOP RESET and READY TO RUN buttons, turn the key on MACHINE to RUN (on the main console), and check whether the voltage (380V) and current are correct and firm. 2. Turn on the power switch of the hydraulic system (set on the main hydraulic drive frame), and check whether the oil level and pressure gauge display of the main hydraulic drive system are correct and firm. 3. Open the pneumatic shut-off valve (set on the air inlet pipe under the pneumatic control cabinet) and check whether the air pressure is correct (not less than 6.0bar) and firm.

            2、 Setting control 1. Set the slitting menu according to the film type, thickness, length, width, etc. arranged in the slitting calculation sheet. 2. Lift the corresponding BOPP film file from the PDF. 3. Set the winding length and width of films of corresponding specifications. 4. Select the corresponding winding station, adjust the press roll arm and press roll, and install the paper core with corresponding specifications.

            3、 Feeding, film threading and film splicing 1. Feeding: according to the request of the slitting calculation sheet, according to the operating procedures of the crane, according to the actual situation, lift the corresponding master coil on the aging rack, place it on the winding rack of the slitter according to the internal and external direction of the corona surface, and use the holding button to clamp the steel core, and separate the steel core support arm and the crane. 2. Film threading: When there is no film on the slitting machine, film threading must be carried out. Tie one end of the original film to the loophole of the film piercing chain by using the film piercing device of the slitter and the function key, and start the film piercing button to make the film spread evenly on each roll along the cutting process. 3. Film splicing: When there is film on the slitting machine and the roll joint is changed, use the vacuum film splicing platform to start the film splicing platform to the working position first, manually flatten the film on the traction roller of the slitting machine and start the upper vacuum pump to suck the film, so that the film is evenly adsorbed on the film splicing platform, stick the double-sided tape and cut off the excess film under the tape, flatten the film on the unwinding rack and start the lower vacuum pump to make the film absorb evenly, take down the paper layer on the tape and flatten the adhesive film, The connector shall be clean and wrinkle free, and then turn off the high and low vacuum pumps and open the membrane platform to the non working position.

            4、 Start up and run 1. Change the specification, put the paper core on the inner and outer winding arms, and tell all personnel to leave the machine and get ready for operation when the pressure roller is in the running ready state. 2. Set ANTI-STAIC BARS on the main operation console to AUTO, open READY TO RUN, and start MACHINE RUN.

            5、 In the process of slitting operation, carefully monitor and observe the consequences of the operation and slitting, and properly adjust and control the slitting speed, unwinding tension, contact pressure, arc roll, leftover traction roll, guide edge, etc.

            6、 Material receiving 1. When the inner and outer end winding is completed and the machine is running, use the film unloading button to place the film on the prepared film unloading trolley, cut off the film and paste the film with sealing glue. 2. Use the collet release button to release the clamp head, and check whether the paper core of each film roll leaves the paper core. If one end is still stuck on the paper core, manually remove the film roll. 3. Ensure that all films leave the collet and are placed on the trolley, and then use the film loading button to raise the winding arm. The corresponding paper core on the device will be neatly attached to the paper core for the next slitting. 7、 Stop 1. When the film roll runs to the set length, the equipment automatically stops. 2. In the process of equipment operation, the machine can be stopped according to the need. 3. When it is necessary to stop quickly, press MACHINE STOP for more than 2s. 4. Press EMERGENCY STOP when emergency situations such as equipment or human accidents are presented.

            8、 Caution 1. Before starting the machine, ensure that the voltage, current and hydraulic equivalent are correct and firm. 2. Before the equipment is ready for operation, all personnel must tell them to leave the equipment and ensure personal insurance before starting operation. 3. When the slitter is running, do not touch the running film roll or roll core with your hand to avoid personal injury. 4. Do not scratch or cut each roll core with a knife or hard object during operation.



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