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            Metal slitter operation must know

            Published:2022-09-28 16:19:12  Views:344

            Metal slitting machine/1. At present, when switching power supply is connected to the equipment, the staff on the spot should not open the motor control door at will, let alone touch the electrical components immediately to prevent injury to themselves or others due to electric shock accidents.

            2. When operating the metal slitting machine, be sure to wear rubber gloves. In addition to handling the CNC blade, the sleeves of clothes and pants must be fastened firmly.

            Keep in mind that during the operation of the equipment, the staff shall not touch the roller with their hands.

            3. During the operation period of the metal slitting machine, try to ensure that some of the CNC blades are excellent. In the process of checking the operation of the equipment, it is unlikely for the staff to place the top of the head too close to the roller against the material.

            And in the process of operating the equipment, attention must be concentrated. The operator shall not approach the operating position when the equipment is in operation.

            4. In the material loading stage, the staff must pay attention to mutual cooperation and keep the mind to place the raw materials properly to prevent the falling of raw materials.

            In a word, in the process of operating the metal slitter equipment, the staff should operate as required and ensure the commercial insurance work.



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