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            WelcomeDongguan Boxing Machinery Co., Ltd!
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            Selection and installation of metal slitter blade

            Published:2022-09-28 16:24:48  Views:365

            How does the metal material slitter blade adopt the following equipment? Come and learn together!

            The blade of metal material slitting machine and equipment must also have excellent ductility to minimize the risk of blade breakage. The blade shall have high smoothness, which is generally required to be finely polished. Naturally, this is all comprehensively considered at the cost, legal effectiveness and quality levels. It is more conceivable to further develop the quality and service life of the blade without increasing most of the cost.

            For example, if the thickness of the plates produced and processed is between 3 mm and 7 mm, and the daily output is relatively large, then the requirements for the blade quality of the slitting machine and equipment are relatively high. In some cases, the strength of the blade should be above 65HRC. Secondly, it has excellent wear resistance, otherwise it will need to change the tool frequently in production. That will certainly endanger the quality and legal effect of production and manufacturing.

            The implication of slitting further refers to the vertical cutting of thick steel plates, which changes the overall width of thick steel plates. For example, thick steel plates with an overall width of 100 mm are cut into two plates with an overall width of 50 mm. At this time, it is necessary to use the slitting machine. In this machine, it is obvious that the blade has a particularly important effect.

            In terms of specific work, if there is significant burr on the wound of the board that has been cut long after the invention, it means that the NC blade has already shown great damage, which has already harmed the cutting quality. For this situation, customers need to replace new qualified slitter blades immediately. In the case of equipment blades, it shall be carried out according to the specific required specifications.

            How does the metal material slitter blade adopt the following equipment? Come and learn together!

            The blade of metal material slitting machine and equipment must also have excellent ductility to minimize the risk of blade breakage. The blade shall have high smoothness, which is generally required to be finely polished. Naturally, this is all comprehensively considered at the cost, legal effectiveness and quality levels. It is more conceivable to further develop the quality and service life of the blade without increasing most of the cost.

            For example, if the thickness of the plates produced and processed is between 3 mm and 7 mm, and the daily output is relatively large, then the requirements for the blade quality of the slitting machine and equipment are relatively high. In some cases, the strength of the blade should be above 65HRC. Secondly, it has excellent wear resistance, otherwise it will need to change the tool frequently in production. That will certainly endanger the quality and legal effect of production and manufacturing.

            The implication of slitting further refers to the vertical cutting of thick steel plates, which changes the overall width of thick steel plates. For example, thick steel plates with an overall width of 100 mm are cut into two plates with an overall width of 50 mm. At this time, it is necessary to use the slitting machine. In this machine, it is obvious that the blade has a particularly important effect.

            In terms of specific work, if there is significant burr on the wound of the board that has been cut long after the invention, it means that the NC blade has already shown great damage, which has already harmed the cutting quality. For this situation, customers need to replace new qualified slitter blades immediately. In the case of equipment blades, it shall be carried out according to the specific required specifications.



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