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            WelcomeDongguan Boxing Machinery Co., Ltd!
            Popular keywords:Slitting machine、Automatic cutting machine、Rewinding machine
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            Teach you to understand the slitting machine from these four aspects!

            Published:2022-09-28 16:20:25  Views:367

            The tutor of the slitting machine factory knows the slitting machine correctly. Let's get to know it.

            1. Basic principle of constant tension control

            The essence of constant tension control in the process of expanding and retracting the coil is to know the change of the coil diameter during the operation of the load. Due to the change of the coil diameter, the split type machine needs the output torque of the motor to change with the change of the coil diameter in order to better adhere to the operation of the load. For the frequency converter of V series products, it is very likely to control the torque, so it is very likely to control the constant tension of the winding. The frequency converter of V series products provides three channel analog input port numbers, AU



            These three routes are likely to be defined as a variety of functions following the example of the quantity transmission inlet, so it is likely to randomly choose one route as the torque and the other route as the speed limit. 0~10v is matched with the frequency converter to output the rated torque of 0~motor, so it is possible to complete the control of constant tension according to the working voltage of 0~10v.

            2. Calculation of synchronous speed ratio

            As we know that when the frequency converter operates at low frequency, the characteristics of the slitter to interchange the multithreaded motor are not good, the excitation torque is low and the winding is split, so it is necessary to minimize the winding motor working below 2HZ in all winding processes. Therefore, the winding motor has a limit of less speed. For the four stage motor, its synchronous speed ratio is calculated as follows: n1=30f1/p=n1=1500r/min=2HZ/50HZ=N/1500=N=60rpm/min

            3. Speed limit operation

            When the winding diameter is relatively large, it is very possible to find out the operating speed in all processes of winding: V=π Dn/i=Vmin=3.141.260/9=25.12m/min

            During tension control, the slitter shall limit the speed, otherwise it will show qq flying, so speed limit operation is required.

            4. Calculation of tension and torque

            If FD/2=T/i (F - tension, D - winding diameter, T - torque, i - transmission ratio),=F=2Ti/D for 3.7KW interchangeable motor, the calculation of its rated torque is as follows: T=9550P/n=T=24.88N Therefore, Fmax=224.889/0.6=74.64N (T-motor rated torque, P-motor power, n==motor rated speed ratio)

            Above is the information about the slitter produced by the slitter manufacturer.



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